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Business: Ask the Expert

What is the biggest barrier to obtaining finance for my idea/startup?
In my experience it is the attitude of the entrpreneur to accept the advice of an investor. If the entrepreneur is willing to listen and implement advice I can help in over 90% of the cases, if not, it is nearer to 0%

If I raise money via an investor, how much of the company will I have to give away?

Most angels and investors will demand 30-40% right off the bat which after several rounds will take most of the company away from the entrepreneur. This is because most proposals are presented as high risk high return bets. However my investment partner, looks to help the business get up and running, before investing , thus we break the high risk high return mantra, and only take 10% of the equity per financing round

How long will it take? Our process takes approximately 3 months

I know there are things in this project that I can't do, how do I overcome this barrier?

Work out what you are good at and work out what you are bad at, hopefully you are good at what you want to do and bad at what you don't like doing.....there is no point in trying to do what you can't or don't want to do, find someone who does or get a partner who believes in you involved

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