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Clubs : SpiritualGifts&Connections

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Lucid dreaming

By: Thebeing [30-June-10 9:30PM]
15 posts

What is lucid dreaming?
Lucid dreaming is when your body is in a sleep like state, but your mind is awake

Ever experienced the feeling or asked yoursel "Am i dreaming?" or "Oh wait! This is a dream!"

Then this is lucid dreaming.

Apparently the younger you are, the easier it is. But as you grow older you begin to lose the gift. This is apparently because children are new and untouched by the worlds faults. They explore and are still unaware of alot of things that we would find "unrealistic".
Children also experience and sense/see spiritual entities, that most of us cannot see or sense anymore.

Some people can even tell themselfs when to dream and sleep and when to wake up from the dream.
However from personal experience. Forcing yourself to wake up from a nightmare or anything can sometimes have effects.
Paralysation to the body.
This is because you forced your mind to wake up but your body still thinks its sleeping, your mind hasnt realised that you are awake yet, so you are unable to use your limbs for a while. The best way to fix this is by closing your eyes ( if they are open) and going back to sleep again, then waking up normally.
Awake but still dreaming. Not lucidly
You can suddenly sit up and have your eyes open. But the dream is stil there. You cannot speak or see anything but the dream. But you are completely awake. This happens when you forced your limbs to wake up but you did not wake up the part that was dreaming. This happens rarely, and i know. It is terrifying when it does. Just relax. Close your eyes. And try to control that nightmare and face your fear. The nightmare will eventually go your way and you can fall asleep again peacefully

Explaining "How to lucid dream" Is difficult.

If your wanting to dream or sleep.
Simply close your eyes. And use your imagination. Fly into a dream of your on creation. And eventually you will sleep and fall into the dream itself.
Sometimes it can actually help you into a deep sleep, with no dreams though!

If your wanting to wake up
For this. You must first begin to lucid dream. You must force yourself to realise you are dreaming. This normally happens more when you are having a nightmare. I got this alot when i was little. I got nightmares & lucid dreaming everynight.
I would close my eyes ( in the dream) and repeat and chant "I want to wake up. I want to open my eyes to find myself in my room. I want to go home. Once i count to 3. I will be able to open my eyes" This worked for me everytime. But i really had to focus on it. It might take a while, but you'll eventually be able to do it!

Next: Aura Reading/sensing Energies

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