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Clubs : British Birds

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Most common birds in your garden

By: Dannyboy [22-January-09 1:09AM]
95 posts

I thought I would start off by posting a list of the ten most common birds in my garden over the Winter, based on my daily surveys.

The bird at the top is the most common and the one at the bottom the least common of the top ten birds.

Wood pigeon
Collared dove
Blue tit
Great tit

What were the most common birds in your garden over the last Winter? Were they similar to mine or different. The number of crows, magpies and pigeons is absolutely huge where I live, much more than there were even five years ago and particularly with the crows which are now much less scared of people and happy to spend time on the ground.

The wood pigeons are like the vacuum cleaners of the bird world and gobble up pretty much anything they can find!

Next: Favourite Bird

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