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Clubs : Torchwood

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New episodes of Torchwood

By: Artiste [7-March-10 6:58PM]
232 posts


I saw the other day that there are probably going to be some new torchwoods made soon which is great news

Don't know how they will deal with the fact that they killed half the cast off recently though!

Re : New episodes of Torchwood

Mystical [18-March-10 4:02PM]
42 posts

:O I like the idea of new episodes but i am like most fans stuck in the belief that somehow Jack will bring Ianto back. Yes it will be stupid they will bring in a whole load of new people who don't fit with the programme most likely.

No'one can replace the original members though. I don't know whether to be happy about new episodes or sad. I just want Ianto back.

Re : New episodes of Torchwood

Knowitall [11-July-10 4:33PM]
663 posts

Yes I know what you mean.

The thing with a program like torchwood and most in general is that you really get used to the cast members and that they are half of the reason that you like it.

So when new ones come in it can take a while to adjust to it and you don't like it as much, but if they bring back the old ones it would be better I don't care if it a stupid reason because it is fantasy and science fiction anyway isn't it to be honest!

Re : New episodes of Torchwood

Mystical [26-December-10 10:28AM]
42 posts

Yeah, I completly agree it is like we almost know these people and thats a small part of why we get angry when they leave. Haha,true just like Dr Who I can never get used to the new Dr because David Tennant he added something extra to his role, he was funny, he could make me laugh and equally made me cry, he'd make me wonder and even make me worried at times.

Mm, if anything is possible in fantasy and science fiction, I only wish they'd bring the original cast back even just for a special 1 off episode. But I have a feeling that Jack could be talking with that guy he met I think he was a soldier or sailor :S

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