Education has never been more important. In the current world where people can travel from country to country in serach of the best jobs and those with the best qualifications, things are more competitive than ever. So getting a good education is essential and sets you up for the rest of your life.
Whether you want to find out about how to improve your maths, your chemistry, english, history, geography or a range of other subjects, we have information for you. This site is focused more on secondary education, so for those looking for help with primary school work, instead take a look at Kids Educational Resources.
Equally, if you want to know what to do to ensure that you perform at your best during exam season, we have tips from those who have achieved top grades written just for you, so take the time to read them and emulate the successful methods. Finally, if you are off to university, our section on this tells you what to expect whilst there.
University Being at university can seem daunting, with the work, financial and social pressures. Our hints and tips are here to help you out at uni. Exams And Revision There are more exams than ever these days, and it can be overwhelming. We have great tips on exam techniques and some great tips on effective revision. Essays Where to start when writing an essay? Our hints and tips will help you write a great essay that gets your point across. English Hints and tips on English. Maths Don't know your algebra from your abacus? Help is at hand. Biology Biology is a fascinating subject, but there is so much to learn it can be overwhelming. Our hints and tips are here to help. Chemistry A basic understanding of chemistry is essential to understanding the world around us. Our hints and tips are here to help. Physics Physics is a particularly hard subject to get to grips with, so our hints and tips are here to help you with your learning. History History is much more than the past. All the names and dates to learn can seem difficult to remember, but our history section will help you out. Geography If you don't know Africa from Austria then you might be in need of the information in our geography section. Teaching Teaching is challenging but rewarding. Here are some hints and tips for the teachers amongst you... English Resources Lists of similes, metaphors, proverbs and more... How To Excel In Exams A detailed guide on how to get great exam grades by a top student How To Excel In Exams Part II This part covers retaining and recalling knowledge, and what to do the day before the big exam... How To Excel In Exams Part III The final part of the guide covers the day of the exam, and how to get inside the mind of the examiner for top marks Useless Facts Amaze your friends with these useless facts! Spanish Hints and tips on learning Spanish as a foreign language Homework Tips and help on all homework related issues... Brain Boosters Tips and exercises to help your brain power and concentration... Homework Helper Need help with your homework? Then come here! |