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How To Excel In Exams Part II

5a - Introduction
By now, if you've read the first part of this guide, you have the knowledge in your mind, but you don?t want to let it wander off. No, you want to keep it...

5b - Use Notes To Stop You Forgetting
Put notes around the house - above your bed, on the wall and so on, so that you regularly see them and can quickly refresh your mind and go over key...

5c - Test Yourself To Ensure You Remember
After a revision session, have a quick break for ten minutes and forget completely about revising. Then test yourself again. Do this a day later and then a...

5d - Recall Your Mnemonics
If you used mnemonics, then you can easily go over/check these at regular intervals or at quiet times - when walking, when travelling and so...

5e - Talk To Your Friends And Even Teach Them
Talk about what you know/have learnt with others: help others out if you can, get them to help you if they are in such a position. If you discuss what you...

5f - Summary - Actively Check Your Knowledge Regularly
So, by regularly checking that you still know what you originally learnt/revised, you should be able to keep it there. The final stage, then, is being able...

6 - Recalling Information In An Exam
If you have used spider diagrams and lists and mnemonics, and have studied carefully and systematically, then you should be able to recall everything you need...

6a - Use The Alphabet To Help You Recall From Memory
Go through the alphabet: sometimes you can ?see? the structure of the word/phrase you need in your head; so go through the letters of the alphabet and see if...

6b - Recalling From Diagrams And Pictures
If you used diagrams/pictures to revise, you may be able to recall shapes - it depends on how you revised and your personal preferences. With respect to the...

6c - Recalling A Number Using A Pattern
If trying to recall a number, for a formula perhaps or the value of a mathematical constant, again try to remember any groupings you made, or relevant sequence...

6d - Recalling Information Summarised
So, if trying to recall something which you know but just cannot recall, calmly go through the above and ask yourself what you can remember about the...

7 - The Day Before The Exam: Introduction
Advice as to what to do the day before an exam differs from source to source. Of course, different people condone and recommend a variety of...

7a - Ignore The Revision Guides!
So, we've seen the general advice you get for what to do the day before an exam is as follows: - Relax - Do some light revision from your notes or cards -...

7b - Revise Hard The Night Before An Exam
We actually recommend that you do a significant amount of revision or cramming the night/evening before. During the day you should of course relax as much...

7c - Why You Should Revise The Night Before An Exam
Why revise the night before? First, it is important to point out that this is not a substitute for previous revision; this should all be in place....

7d - Not Revising The Day Before An Exam Does Not Make Sense
?So I should ignore advice which says to do little/no revision before an exam?? In general yes, unless you are sure it would do you no good to revise the...

7e - Another Benefit Of Revising The Night Before
Another benefit of revising the night before an exam: you tend to be quite tense and the adrenaline is flowing. You know how close the exam is, and in a sense...

7f - Use The Nerves To Help You
Now, the night before the exam the adrenaline should really help you concentrate and commit things to memory. Also, if there are things you know you find...

7g - The Method Works
So, doing a good amount of careful, structured revision the night before an exam is really one of our key tips, and could genuinely be the difference between a...

7h - Sleep Well Before The Exam
Finally, it is important that we mention you should definitely have a cut-off time in the evening, what you don?t want to be doing is working particularly late...

7i - Get Everything Ready The Night Before The Exam
And, of course, you should ensure that you pack all the necessary equipment the night before; the last thing you want to do be doing is searching frantically...

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