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Down's Syndrome: what it is and more information

There has been a lot of talk about Down's Syndrome recently particularly with a storyline in Eastenders about a couple who had a child born with the syndrome. So what is it and what causes it?

Here is some information I have picked up from a few sources about it, and some statistics as to how common it is:

- Down's Syndrome affects around 1 in 1,000 children born in the UK (and presumably the rate is fairly constant around the world, unless there are factors such as the food eaten and conditions of birth that can affect it too?)

- The cause of Down's Syndrome from the biological point of view is that the child has one more chromosome than the norm, having as they do 47 rather than 46.

- The factors that cause it are not yet fully understood - it is noted that it does not appear to be hereditary as there are no factors along these lines. It seems likely that age is a factor as those who are older mothers tend to have a higher risk of having a baby with the syndrome.

- There are often distinctive features for those who have Downs. THese can include shorter limbs, slightly larger tongues and also creased palms. The most distinctive element is often that they have almod shaped eyes.

There are also health concerns and difficulties with learning, which can both be from quite mild to quite severe. Most children born with Downs for instance learn to walk, read, write, talk and so forth and can often in later life do certain jobs, usually under supervision.

Health problems can be an increased propensity to develop heart defects, and also a higher risk of infections of some parts of the body such as sinuses and chest infections.
Down's Syndrome
Author: Sally

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Last Updated: Sep 28th 2006

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