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Logi-5: the fun bite sized sudoku puzzle

Logi-5 is a form of sudoku, but rather than the larger 9 x 9 grid the grid is 5 x 5, hence it is called Logi-5.

There is also a more cosmetic difference, in that it tends to be played with the letters from A through to E, rather than 1 - 5, but of course the two are equivalent, though some find it a little more difficult to play using letters probably through habit of being used to using numbers in these puzzles!

Logi-5 is a form of irregular, jigsaw or zigzagu sudoku depending on where you go to find the name - the most common is probably irregular sudoku though jigsaw probably is the most descriptive.

As well as A - E going once in each row and column, they must also go once in each of the irregular shapes, which vary according to the grid.

These irregular shapes can be hard to remember and spot, so pay particular attention when solving the puzzle - using those irregular shapes is probably the key and top tip to helping you solve a logi-5 puzzle.

Because of the small size of the puzzle the number of givens is usually quite low, in the region of 5 - 7 givens, which means they are still difficult to solve on occasion and require the same skills as standard sudoku just on a smaller grid. In some ways, they are more fun as you get to practice the same techniques but with a little less chore of going through the larger range of numbers!
Author: Dan

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Logi-5 tips, logi-5 solving tips and hints

Last Updated: Oct 11th 2006

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