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Puzzles And Games Expert Pages

ABC Puzzles
The ABC puzzle is a fun puzzle, and if you haven't come across it, here's how to play: You start with a grid that can be of any size; usually it is 5 x 5 making this a nice and small, compact...

Advanced Sudoku Solving Techniques
Sudoku puzzles can in a large number of cases be solved using just a couple of rules. These rules require us to think "what numbers could possibly go in this cell" and "where could this...

Anagram Solving
Some people naturally seem able to solve and crack anagram puzzles much quicker than other people. If you've ever played word games that involve creating anagrams, or for instance you've...

Battleships is a fun game that has been around for a long time and has been a great hit with children and adults alike. The battleships game is based on pretty much the same idea. By being...

Breaking A Vigenere Cipher
The Vignere cipher was thought for a long time to be indecipherable - in other words, secure. It did not seem to yield to frequency analysis as it is polyalphabetic and therefore there is a choice...

Buying Word Puzzles
There are a whole host of word puzzles around; here is just a selection: - Codewords In this puzzle, you substitute the coded numbers 1 - 26 with the letters from A - Z. This is a good test of...

CodeWords is a puzzle that is great fun, and a good test of your logical abilities in addition to a test of your vocabulary. It combines elements of the standard crossword puzzle with elements...

Creating A Sudoku Puzzle
Sudoku needs no introduction - and if it does, then you probably won't be too interested in how to create a sudoku puzzle. For everyone else, here is a simple way to create a sudoku puzzle by...

Crosswords are one of the most popular and enduring of all puzzles. A perennial favourite of magazines and newspapers, the crossword has seemingly forever graced the back page of many magazines...

How a Cryptogram is Created A cryptogram is a puzzle where a sentence in the language of choice - for these purposes, English, is turned into a code that you need to solve. Most...

Over the last year, a large spate of Japanese puzzles have become popular in the UK and across the rest of Europe and America. The most popular of these is, no doubt, the smash hit sudoku. ...

Futoshiki Puzzles
This puzzle comes under a couple of different names: Futoshiki and Hutosiki, but the principal is the same: you are given a grid of any size - normally 4 x 4 or 5 x 5 and need to...

Hanjie is a puzzle that has had many names and still goes under different names in different magazines. The puzzle is unusual in that the end result of the puzzle is actually a piece of art - in...

Hutosiki Solving Tips
Hutosiki puzzles are still fairly uncommon over in the West, so first an explanation of what they are. They are a puzzle, also called futoshiki, in which you have a square grid that is...

Kids Puzzles
Puzzles are a great educational aid for kids, offering a fun and developmental challenge to their rational faculties. It is always hard to find ways of teaching kids that they enjoy, and puzzles...

Killer Sudoku
Killer sudoku is one of the most popular of the sudoku variants. It is also perceived as one of the tougher variants, though through use of logic and practice, the majority of killer sudoku puzzles...

Kriss Kross Puzzles
Kriss Kross puzzles are a fun logic puzzle. Sometimes they contain numbers and are called number search, and sometimes they contain words, which may or may not be themed. The words are split into...

Logi-5 is a form of sudoku, but rather than the larger 9 x 9 grid the grid is 5 x 5, hence it is called Logi-5. There is also a more cosmetic difference, in that it tends to be played with the...

Maths Sequence Puzzles
Sequence puzzles are commonly used in tests and quizzes. Sometimes they may be related to words and knowledge. This article looks purely at maths related puzzles where you need to find the...

Mind Games
Mind Games - everyone likes a little mental teaser from time to time, but if you really want to improve your mind then what should you look for in a puzzle? Well, the first is variety - there are...