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Burning More Calories is easy... here is how!

There are many forms of exercise that can help you burn calories, and here are some ideas for simple things you can do.

Each of these is designed to help you burn in the region of 500 calories.

Now that is quite a significant percentage of calories. If you are a woman that is around 25% of your recommended daily calorie intake, and about 20% for a man.

Therefore there is a lot to be gained from doing exercise on a regular basis as you can see, and simple things like cycling to work and back if the roads are suitable rather than actually getting the tube, train, bus or car can be really helpful for your health in the longer term.

Here are seven methods of burning those 500 calories.

First of all, walk swiftly for around an hour - and there you go. If you live near your local shopping centre, walk there and back - half an hour each way at a decent pace and you will have burnt off 500 calories fairly painlessly.

What else? Well, how about playing a game of football; 45 minutes of football and running around will help you to burn in the region of 500 calories.

Another idea: ride your bike at about 10mph for an hour or so - another great way of burning calories, and you even get to do it sitting down!

If you are tall then try out some basketball, with the running and jumping involved then an hour of that will burn around 500 calories of so.

Golf is another game that surprisingly can help you to burn calories. I read you can somehow burn 500 calories through an hour and a half of golf; presumably it is the walking round and not the standing still or swinging!

What else? Well, tennis for 45 minutes is a good way of burning off lots of calories too; around 500 calories for that period of time.

Finally, jog four miles and you should find that you also lose about 500 calories.

So there you go - losing 500 calories through exercise is something quite simple and not difficult at all and if you add one of these into your routine just three days during the week then that is 1500 extra calories burnt, or almost an entire day of the weeks allowance for women and not that far off it for men too!
Burning More Calories: Tips
Author: Carl

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Page Views: 3930 | Page Ranking: 21
Popular Tags:
burning calories, burn fat, get fit quick, get

Last Updated: Oct 6th 2006

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