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2: Analysing Your Interview Performance

Jobs : The Post Interview Process

What do we mean by analysis here? This is the process where you 'go through' the interview mentally very soon after it has occurred - the same day, so that it is still fresh in your memory.

You try to recall the structures of the questions and what you were asked, and work out why you were asked each question and what sort of answer they would have wanted, and then you decide how good your answers were - the bits that you liked and the bits that you didn't.

This is dangerous in the sense that it might make you over anxious if you decide that you did not put in a particularly strong performance and may depress you.

It really depends on the sort of person that you are - some people are fine doing this sort of analysis, whilst others, after any exam or test or interview, have to block it out of their mind or else it drives them mad or just frustrates them, like the exam they walk out of where they know that they have misread one of the questions.

If you do this sort of analysis, however, it can be beneficial in the future should you have more interviews - having a real life case study will bring all the training and teaching to the fore, and interview practice and experience is invaluable if you are out of touch and have not had any practice interviews or family and friends going through questions with you.

Just make sure that you do take time to highlight some positives from your performance if you are finding that you are being overly critical or negative.

By: Job Expert

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