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How To Apply Makeup For A Natural Look

Beauty : Cosmetics

For makeup to maintain that natural look, the colours you use must match the shades of your skin tone. If you use concealer should be yellow in tone as this will give adequate coverage but not add excessive colour, thus keeping the look natural. Your foundation or tinted moisturiser should not be obvious when applied to your skin either.

Natural Looking Makeup: Hints and tips

When using items like blusher and eyeshadow, the best natural look for blusher is to choose one which matches the colour of your complexion after some physical exertion. Eyeshadow shades can be any from the more earthy tones, warm colours like brown, gold or plum.

Mascara: Best Colours

Mascara can be grey or perhaps brown. The same applies to eyeliner. However, if you want to miss out one of those items that will also enhance the natural look. You don't want to overdo makeup or draw attention to any one area - the aim of this sort of application is to look as if you are wearing very little, if any, at all.

By: Bev Woolfson on Sat, Jun 15th 2002

More makeup advice

I find that using a brown eye pencil just above the lashes then a darker colour at the bottom and sides, gradually getting lighter towards the centre :) hopei can help, not that any1 needs mch help on this topic, obviously lol :).

Hey i think if your going natural Dnt put your eyeliner on the limey piece of the eye just put it through the lashes at the bottom! And i reckomend no conceler but cover up by maxfactor it excellent!.

Blend In Foundations And Powders,
Make Sure You Have A Shine To Your Skin Tone,
Alwayz Check For The Odd Foundation Line.

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- Mon, Jul 19th 2004

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