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Birdwatching Tips

Hobbies : Birdwatching

If you want to do some serious birdwatching, then the chances are you will have to do some travelling, unless you live right on the coast, or by a forest or other nature reserve.

It may sound obvious, but the bottom line is that you have to go where the birds are!

Yet many people do not do this. Typically those with national trust memberships or other memberships will tend to visit their own favourite spots, but they might not be that good for birds.

Rather you should try to get to as many known hot spots and bird locations that you know about.

Research the RSPB and other internet sites and birding forums to find where the birds are.

If you want to catch sight of a rare migrant or occasional visitor then you will need to be able to travel at short notice, and need some determination in the process!

By: Stephen

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