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How To Choose Accessories

Beauty : Fashion Accessories

When choosing accessories, too many women fall into the trap of choosing what looks good or pretty of its own accord.

This may seem reasonable enough but then think about the word - they are 'accessories' which means that they add on to other outfits!

Therefore when viewing accessories you should always think of them in the context of an outfit. What would each item look like with a particular outfit; is there one that it would suit well and look good on?

If an accessory looks good but just would not fit with any outfit then let it go and move onto the next.

Just like a good accessory can really bring to life and enhance an outfit, so something that is out of place with an outfit can really drag it and the look down.

By: Stephanie

More shopping advice

Hello, when it comes to jewellry, i like to pick the brightest things :)

i usually buy hair accesories.
for example, i buy big flowers to put in my hair, because they go with everything.
i also buy pearl bracelets. :)

dresses go really well with these ^

hope it helps x

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