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How To Deal With Pushy Shop Assistants

Beauty : Fashion Accessories

We've all been there - we dither about whether to buy an item of clothing or not, and then are persuaded into buying by the sales person.

They either tell you how wonderful something looks on you, or the other classic technique is to tell you that the item has been selling well and it is therefore the last one in your size.

Remember first that most get paid commission and will either therefore always tell you that something looks good for this reason or are just too polite to tell you if this is not the case.

Secondly if the only one in your size then this is rare, normally there are more in the stock cupboard, but even if it is - well so be it, you will just have to get it somewhere else.

Bottom line - if you have second thoughts don't give in to pressure and end up making a purchase that you regret.

By: Stephanie

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