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Jobs : Job Profiles

You may work in industry or in personal households as an electrician - wherever there is a supply of electricity, you may be required to work. Of course you can choose where to work.

You will be involved will all stages of the process: from installing, connecting, testing, checking and upgrading and repairing electrical outlets.

You will of course need to be skilled in your trade, and have good practical, manual skills. A good head for shape, and seeing diagrams in your head is crucial. Reasonable people skills are also an asset.

You will need to keep abreast of safety standards and be aware of equipment that does and doesn't make the grade.

Electricians tend to be licensed, and the best way to get in is through one of the many apprenticeship programs; working with a local electrician and working your way up can be a great way to get into the business.

Thereis always a steady demand for electricians in fact it may be a growth area, therefore if you can get in, it can be profitable.

By: Job Expert

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