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Food Tips That Keep Your Teeth In Good Health

Beauty : Beauty Tips

Its more about how often you eat sugary foods than how much, that affects your teeth. So try and cut this down to avoid decay. Snacks and drinks are the main culprits.

You may think fruit is healthier, but they can be very acidic, especially oranges. Don't eat them constantly throughout the day.

Event 'sugar free' drinks can damage teeth, more so if you sip from a glass or can, so try a straw to minimise the amount going onto your front teeth. Fizzy drinks and fruit juice are the main culprits. Try drinking more water instead.

Tea, coffee and red wine all make your teeth stain so avoid these where possible.

Brush your teeth twice a day with an electric tooth brush for best results. Don't replace brushing with chewing gum, and use mouthwash to rinse out after.

If you use gum throughout the day then opt for a sugar free one.

Don't forget to floss between your teeth as well, and maybe go to a hygienist once a year to have a proper clean.

By: Danielle

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