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Food With Health Benefits

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

A few diet changes can boost how good you look.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg, lean meats and not too much fats and sugary foods. Tomatoes contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant and can protect from skin damage and help prevent cancers. The ideal way to maximise the benefits of this is to eat processed, concentrated tomato paste (or puree). So make your own pizzas or add it to a pasta.

Vary your diet so you dont get used to the same foods or get bored. Eat different colours of fruit as this will give you a wider variety of nutrients.

Fruit is best for breakfast as it will help you feeling fresh and healthy and give you a good boost to start the day with. You can add fruit to an oat based cereal or porridge, as oats contain a special type of soluble fibre called beta-glucans and this lowers cholesterol, helping to keep your heart healthier.

Add a little bit of tofu to a stir fry for dinner, as this is a low fat protein kick that also contains plant oestrogens and may help to reduce the chance of brittle bones in later life.

By: Danielle

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