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Fruity Face Mask Recipes

Beauty : Skincare

The equipment you need is a mixing bowl, fork, wooden spoon and fresh ingredients below. Grab some mates and have a pampering session.

Oily skinned people should go for the banana face mask as it soothes and helps naturally balance out oilyness.

You will need 1 ripe banana, 1 tbsp of honey and an orange or a lemon.

Mix the banana and honey together in a mixing bowl, then add a few drops of lemon or orange juice, freshly squeezed. Apply to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. You can use the leftovers within 3 days, dont worry if it goes brown.

If you have both gready and dry skin, try out the rose mask.

You will need:
2 tbsp rosewater
1 tbsp natural yogurt (full fat)
1 tbsp honey
6 rose petals

Soak the rose petals in water, and crush them in a bowl. Then add the mixture to yogurt and honey and stir in together. Put it on your skin and leave to set for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

If you have dry skin, go for the avocado and honey mask, which will help hydrate your face. Use half an avocado and a quarter cup of honey. Mash the avocado into a mixing bowl, and add the honey. Mix well. Put it on your face and leave to set for 10 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.

By: Danielle

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