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Get Baby Fresh Skin - Natural Look Foundation

Beauty : Skincare

If you want to achieve baby fresh skin, then follow these tips.

Dewy, natural complexions are the best thing to aim for. A shiny nude, futuristic finished can be created by using moisturiser and no foundation. Or it can be lightly glossed for a natural sheen.

Max Factor’s Second Skin gives just the right amount of coverage of a neutral transparency. This allows the natural skin texture and luminosity to shine through so it doesn't look fake.

When you apply it, place dots of foundation along the central areas of your face, which are forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Then blend with finger tips outwards.

Work colour into the corners of the nose, to get rid of any redness, as well as the inner corners of the eyes, and the crease on your chin.

Take a step back and look in the mirror to see which bits need less or more blended in.

Use it very lightly and blend well to achieve the best look. Sweep over it with a brush to finish off and smooth in.

Use a blusher such as Max Factor Miracle Touch Creamy Blush to add colour to your face. Find the fullest part of your cheeks by smiling then blend using finger tips.

By: Danielle

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