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How To Improve Staff Performance

Business : Running Your Business

Sometimes when running a business the biggest problems will come with staff not pulling their weight or actually performing badly in the work place. What can be done about this?

Well, the first key thing is to identify any potential issues before they develop into big problems and become engrained behaviour.

Organise a one to one meeting with the member of staff and first find out how they think they are performing. This can sometimes be quite revealing if they are honest and you may find they are having family problems etc., which will explain what has gone on and you can develop an approach.

Others will pretend things are going well when they know this not to be the case, and tackling performance issues here can be a little trickier.

The first stage is to gently get them to accept that there is a performance issue, either by providing concrete examples of targets they have missed or poor work that they have done.

The key is to get them to take ownership of their performance and then try to develop a plan with them to help that performance pick up. For instance this may include more regular one to one meetings and the setting of targets on a daily basis rather than weekly or monthly.

By: Job Expert

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