Is It Worth Paying For Search Engine Optimisation
Computing : Search Engine Optimisation This is a question that many, many people ask - and the answer is 'it depends on you and your circumstances'. If you are not technically inclined and have the budget set aside, then there is no reason not to use this modern form of marketing. It is just a way of spending money to gain visitors just like you would with print or other media advertisements so the spend can be justified. As with any process you should take steps to work with a reputable company and to view their portfolio. If you have two factors: time and willingness to learn, then you can have a good go yourself at doing it for free. There are many basic elements that you can work on such as your title tag, h1 tag, meta tag and focussing each page on your keywords that may really help - so if you have time, try that first before spending money!
Questions about search engine optimisation: