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How To Jog

Sport : Athletics

When you start jogging, you should make sure you have proper running shoes and the right kind of clothing. If it is warm you will want a T-shirt or top that doesn't stick to you and shorts that make it easy to move.

A baseball cap or hat is useful to protect you from the sun. In the cold weather you should layer your clothing for extra protection, by adding a fleece jacket or waterproof over your normal top. You might also need gloves and a scarf if it is very cold.

Set your route and how long you want to jog for. Make sure you warm up properly before you start running, this includes stretching all muscles like quadriceps, hamstrings and calves to prevent injury.

As you jog, breathe deeply and keep your head up, always face the direction of traffic too. Begin your jog at a slow pace and build up speed. Keep your hands cupped but relaxed and swing your arms as you lift the opposite leg.

Try jogging with a friend or a club, it might make it more enjoyable and help you to stick at it better. Also, make sure you cool down after running by doing some more light stretching - this is as important as warming up.

By: Bev Woolfson on Mon, May 13th 2002

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