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How To Lose Weight

Health And Fitness : Weight Loss

The most successful way to do this is with a personalised diet plan. Standardised ones followed by millions are no good as they create such a knee jerk to your current diet they are hard to stick to and can make you feel lethargic.

Rather what you should do is look at your food tally plan (a list of all foods you have in a week and how many times) and set yourself gradual targets.

Try to reduce the amount of coffee you have each day by one cup, reduce the number of packs of crisps you have per week by two, the amount of bread you have each day by one piece and so on.

Over time, manage your targets until they take you to your desired calorific intake.

Because it is very slow and gradual over a couple of months and you still get the foods you like, it will be much easier to follow - and more importantly, easier to stick to.

By: Stephanie

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