Luxury Soft Drink Ideas For Christmas
Food And Drink : Drinks Who says that soft drinks need to be boring? At Christmas if you don't fancy drinking or want something to go inbetween all the booze then you needn't just have water or coke or lemonade or orangeade. There are all sorts of lovely non alcoholic drinks that you can enjoy and you should certainly consider these as part of your festive experience! For instance, why not go for something like a lovely elderflower or cranberry drink as an alternative to the normal. Or how about something like a pomegranate juice? Here's a really whacky idea for a soft drink that is luxurious and ideal for a celebration: that's right, lemongrass and ginger cordial - something you might not have even know existed until you just read that sentence but it does - and it tastes nice, too!
Questions about drinks: