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How To Make Your Linked-In Profile Appeal To An Employer.

Career : Career Development

If you have a Linked-In profile it is important that you mantain this professional profile. It is not like your Facebook or Twitter. Linked-In may be used by potential
employers to look at your profile before deciding whether to hire you. Here are some tips to make it look great to those potential employers.

The Photo
Make sure this is professional, you dont have to be wearing a suit, but it has to be appropriate. A photo of purely your face, is the best bet, make sure you are smiling.
A photo will speak volumes about who you are, employers will judge you on this first.

The Connections
Make sure you are well connected, link yourself to previous employers, colleagues, customers and friends. This will show you have a good ability to get along with people.

The Profile
Make sure you fill in the sections, from Summary to Basic Info, this will show you take notice, are organised, and have nothing to hide.

The Skills
Adding skills will put you ahead of the rest, it will show the potential employer exactly what you can offer. If you get these skills endorsed, this will be even better, and put
you in good steed.

Key Words
Linked-In uses SEO (Search engine optimisation) It will pick up on the key words you add. Make sure you add and define your key skills and use them in your profile. A potential
employer may find you through this.

Good luck and remember in this age of technology, you need to be careful what is online about you. It can be seen by any potential employer.

By: Jade

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