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Managing Money: Every Penny Counts

Money : Frugal With Money

It's an old cliche, but a good one, that every penny counts.

And over time it does all add up to a sizeable sum of money.

So, when you get that loose change don't bin it or throw it away or never bother to pick it up, collect it and put it in a jar.

Over the course of a year it is estimated that we all have about £25 of change build up, so this year make sure you get that money. If there are four people in your family, that will add up to a £100 of loose change over the course of a year.

That's a fair sum of money and if it came in notes you wouldn't just bin it, so make sure you don't the same with the coins.

By: Fred

More save money advice

It is a great idea Fred. We have just used 2 small piggy banks and we empty our change into them every night. We call it Feeding The Pigs.

Well, they were fully fed last week and had great fun counting it all up. £259.03 in less than 2 months.

We are thinking of putting it into Premium Bonds to keep from spending it and hoping to add more.

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