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Men And Facial Products: Scruffing Lotion

Beauty : Creams And Lotions

If you are a man, then you might wonder if all these facial lotions and potions are really for you, and whether you should partake in the growing trend of men using such products!

Well if you are so curious about such matters, then what ones should you try and what is there that is just for men?

Well one such product is called a scruffing lotion.

What this product does is to sweep away the top layer of your skin, which you might want to do because that contains the dead skin cells and the dry skin.

This product usually has some antiseptic properties too.

It is ideal after shaving as it helps therefore to fight any risk of infection from nicks or cuts from the razor, so therefore as manly types of products go you should be pretty safe with this one!

By: Stephanie

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