Networking And Business Cards
Career : Business Networking Business cards are a great and cheap networking tool, yet few people view them as such. The fact is that after a meeting often the only memory of you that someone will have is your business card, or the only lasting memory anyway. If someone wants to get in touch with you again where will they look? Your business card to find your contact details! Always ensure that you have the key information they will require on your business card and also include a link to your website - you should always have one even if not an online business - as then those in your network can view the site for a refresher of what you do and how you can help them. Be liberal with your business card and try to get it in front of as many people as you can. Some serial networkers for instance aim to give out on average five cards or more a day - over the course of the year that means almost 2,500 people will have their card - quite an achievement!
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