How To NOT Panic When The Bills Come In.
Money : Frugal With Money I set up free periodic payments for my regular utilities bills, gas, electricity and phone, etc. I work out roughly how much my gas (for example) is going to be each quarter, then figure out how much I need to pay fortnightly so that when the bill comes in, it's paid, or almost paid. Occasionally I misjudge it so that I am in credit when a bill arrives. In Australia we can use BPay, which is a free bill paying facility, but you could use whichever banking facility that your own country provides. I do it all myself using Internet banking, no more cheque fees, no late payment fees, no long queues at bank counters, and no worries at all! Imagine the joy of getting a gas bill and knowing that you don't have to wonder where the money is coming from. You can't buy that feeling!
Questions about bills: