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How To Open A Really Stuck Jar

Food And Drink : Great Food Tips

We have all been there: the jar of that delicious sauce that you need to add to make the wonderful meal is stuck solid.

And worse than that, every passing second, the vegetables you were going to add the sauce too are drying out and the meat in the oven is going to overcook: you need to get that sauce jar open else the meal is ruined.

So what can you do to remedy this?

Well, in the majority of cases, one very simple tip is heat.

Boil the kettle, and the put the bottle in the sink so your hands are well away from the boiling water.

Pour some boiling water for about five seconds over the lid of the sauce bottle.

Then use a tea towel over the lid and twist; this time it should come off easily as the heat will have expanded it.

By: Artiste

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