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Pack A Bag For The Beach

Beauty : Beach Fashion

Sunscreen - Choose a factor that is going to protect your type of skin from the sun. And when you put it on, use quite a lot and remember all the forgettable places like your feet and neck.
Hat - If you aren't already wearing one, make sure you pack one! As you can imagine, its hard to put sunscreen on your head, so wearing a hat can protect your scalp.
Cell phone - For emergencies or for if people need to get in touch with you.
Book - For the beach, it would be very handy to take a book, magazine or something to read. It beats summer boredom!
Spare hair bobbles - Incase you lose yours, and the sticky heat is making your hair cling unbearably to your neck and face.
Change - For the ice cream van if you want to get refreshed, to buy drinks or to use a pay phone in emergencies.
Sunglasses - To protect your eyes

By: Marianne

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