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Paying For Your CV: Worth It?

Career : CV

Many career companies have got savvy to the fact that more people than ever are writing and re-writing their CV in the constant sea that is the job market.

This has presented them lots of opportunities to charge money to write your CV for you.

The question is: is it worth it? Should you pay for your CV to be written or tweaked by someone else?

It largely depends on the role you are going for and your ability to express and share your ideas.

If you are very poor at writing a CV even having studied model CVs and genuinely feel you are not doing yourself justice, then you may see it as a worthwhile investment - spend a little money, and then in response you may get a job that pays you a lot more money!

However, you should always try and write the CV yourself first. There is something more personal when it comes straight from you than the pen of someone else.

By: Stephen

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