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Preparation The Morning Of A Marathon

Sport : Other Sports And Tips

This is what it's all about - it all comes down to today. So what should you do?

Well, all the training is done. The kit was put out last night and you know the weather forecast.

Get up a couple of hours before you need to be there at the race to give yourself time - more if there is large travel distance involved.

Nexy, ensure that you have a light breakfast, nothing too heavy, but ensure that it is a high carbohydrate breakfast to keep you going in the marathon.

You should ensure that you start drinking your preferred training drink, possibly water, once you get to the event to load up, and remember to also visit the bathroom or toilet beforehand as well.

Stay cool, calm and relaxed - walk to the start - get ready, and try to enjoy the marathon experience if at all possible!

By: Fred

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