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How To Remember Cards

Games : Card Games

In some games, it is important to remember the cards that have gone before - this can give a good advantage in terms of working the probability of which cards are yet to come, and also which have a probability of zero of appearing as they have already been turned up!

If you have ever tried to keep track of cards, then you'll know that it can be quite hard to do especially if it is a game with many hands.

Therefore what you need to do is devise some technique to help remember the cards.

First of all, reduce each card a two or three letter combinations, with Ace as 1 and King as K. The suit comes after, so King of Clubs is KC. So when the King of Clubs and Five of Diamonds is played, you get KC and 5D.

Have a mental filing cabinet for each of the suits, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades, and imagine putting the cards into the relevant drawers - the 5 in to the diamonds drawer and the King into the Clubs drawer.

This visualisation of the cards actually going into these drawers should help you remember which one has gone where.

Try it out for yourself - deal four cards and imagine placing them in that mental filing cabinet with its four drawers.

Then come back a minute later and see if you can remember where the cards are. Seeing the image of each drawer in your head, opening it and seeing what cards are there should help you recall.

Next comes lots of practice as you build up both the number of cards you store in the drawers, and how quickly you recall.

By: Stephen

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