How To Remove Chewing Gum Easily
Cleaning : Carpet Cleaning Put ice cubes on chewing gum, and it will be able to be removed more easily. The ice causes the chewing gum to loosen its grip on the material, meaning that the chewing gum will be lifted off easily...
More chewing gum adviceThe best way to remove chewing gum from your hair is to spray it with WD-40, leave for a couple of minutes, then remove. The chewing gum is inside my clothes dryer. If I use WD-40 to get it off, what do I use to get the WD-40 off? Chewing-gum got on my scirt and is all mushed in!(gross i know!) I put it in the freezer and tried to scrape it off, it worked a little. i then used washing-up powder and scrubed it. it came off a little!. I hhad chewing gum stuck to my school polo shirt!! how can i get it off?
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