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How To Retain Your Staff

Business : Running Your Business

One of the biggest problems with running a business is to do with CHURN - how many staff leave and how often.

One of the biggest costs is recruitment and training of new staff - therefore if you have good staff you need to retain them.

Recognise that the MAIN reason most employees leave a company is nothing to do with career progression but actually because of their relationship with their boss, and the perception of their worth in the business.

If someone feels truly VALUED and empowered in their job they are very unlikely to leave.

Therefore as the owner you need to ensure that the staff feel valued. Listen to their complaints and moans when they have them, and if valid address them.

If you have exceptional staff, consider sharing the profits with them if you are in such a position through a bonus scheme. Any perks you can give are great, but the bottom line is - treat your staff with respect and ensure that they are able to develop in their role to retain them.

By: Job Expert

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