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Should I Believe In Evolution Or Creation?

Religion And Culture : Christianity

Michael Phelps makes swimming look SIMPLE.
It‘s not, of course, but he’s so good at it, it looks easy.
Life, like anything done well, is more complex than it appears.
Take a tree…...looks simple enough.
One can look at a tree and think, ‘Sure, that just grew by accident’. One day a cell appeared, reproduced and grew a tree. Simple.
But a CELL is NOT simple. The unfathomable complexity involved in the forming of tree cells, the inexplicable reproducing of those cells, and then the efficient functioning of BILLIONS and BILLIONS of these microscopic cells as they form all the functioning parts of a tree...bark….wood...leaves...root system....and maintain themselves, is beyond accidental.
Going even deeper, the ATOMS forming those cells hold power beyond our imagination. Intricate in design, invisible to our eyes, yet forming the basis of everything on earth.
Now once these atoms have miraculously formed a tree cell, and the tree cells miraculously form a tree, this tree now becomes a self sustaining, living thing, reproducing itself over and over and over to form forests which silently clean our air and shade our land, and they do it with such beauty and grace that we can look at it and THINK.... it's SIMPLE.
If someone pointed to your house and said it just appeared there one day, formed from the dust in the air and the chance formation of wood planks as they fell from the sky, would you believe him? No, you KNOW someone built your house. Perhaps you never met the builder, but you KNOW there WAS a builder. Or If someone showed you a Rolex watch and said that he just put a bunch of metal chips in a bag and shook it for 50,000 years and this perfectly running watch came out, would you believe him? Of course not. Design requires a designer. How much more complex is a living cell, that functions as a factory and is the basis of all life on earth?

When Darwin developed his theory of ‘gradual evolution by natural selection’, scientists had little or no knowledge of the amazing complexity of the living cell. It looked simple.
Modern equipment and knowledge, however, have revealed that the cell is staggeringly complex, and the truly scientific mind will acknowledge that such order, intricacy and design MUST come from an intelligent designer. Darwin himself said: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”—Origin of Species. It has been demonstrated.
If simple is what you want, the Bible says 'In the beginning, God created......'
It doesn’t get simpler than that.

By: Barb

More evolution advice

Interesting post.

Of course most people set it up as an either-or situation... either you believe in evolution OR creation but never both.

They could be perfectly compatible however - typically God could have seeded the universe and then watched passively the development from there. Evolution is an alternative explanation to design and shows that a designer is not necessary for complexity to arise, but they could both be true together and it is important to make this point. Those who feel they need to believe in one or the other can actually believe in both God AND believe in evolution, this is my position.

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