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How To Take Payments From Your Website

Business : ECommerce

If you have a business site and are looking to take payments, then one of the most popular payment solution providers is called WorldPay, at www.worldpay.com

Whilst quite expensive to set up, they seem to be generally trusted, though it is well publicised that they hold on to your money for four weeks before releasing funds to you which is a source of irritation for some.

However, they are quite flexible and you can use their Callback system to ensure that your database can react and log orders automatically in real time.

This is a real plus, and is quite simple and straightforward to set up.

It works by sending key variables from the payment back to your server as the payment is made, which means that you can react automatically.

Thus, when someone orders a product, you can send out confirmation details and log all the information in your sales database automatically, ready for action.

By: Stephen

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