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Things You Should Never Buy At Last Minute

Money : Back To Basics

Apparently in the UK we waste nearly £173 per person every year just because we don’t shop around for petrol. Make sure you plan ahead so you know when your tank is likely to be low. Use petrolprices.com to find the best deals within your area.

Electrical goods should not be bought last minute either, as you can also shop around to find better prices before purchasing. Try sites such as Kelkoo, ebay and Amazon first.

When you do your food shopping, make sure you write a list beforehand and stick to it. Search around for the best prices within the shop. Look at the top and bottom items of the shelf, as these tend to be cheaper (clever trick used by the supermarkets where they place the most expensive goods at eye level so you’re more likely to buy them). Also don’t shop on an empty stomach because you will be tempted to buy junk food you don’t need.

Always shop around for clothes, insurance, cinema tickets, repair services and travel tickets as well.

By: Danielle

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