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Tips For A Perfect Fringe

Beauty : Haircare

Fringes don’t suit every one so they can be tricky to get right. You need to ask yourself if you will suit one or not, and ask others for their opinions too. Don’t rush into the idea.

You could try a clip in fringe in order to see if it will look good on you. You can get natural looking hair pieces in the shops or at a salon in various shades.

You need to learn how to trim your fringe yourself. Your hairdresser can show you how to do this. Make sure you invest in some sharp hairdressing scissors. Many salons do offer to trim your fringe for free though so you could just pop in every month or so if needed.

Make sure your fringe doesn’t go too flat to the forehead or it wont look good. It needs to stay in place, and hair products can help you do this. Try a heat styling hair spray to add volume to your fringe and also make sure it’s the right style for you.

By: Danielle

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