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Understanding Email Abbreviations

Computing : Internet

If you use email, or chat rooms, then doubtless you will have come across several abbreviations, that are used by many users. Here are some of the common ones, to help you out:
- TTFN: ta ta for now
- LOL: laugh out loud
- LOL: lots of love (decide from the context!)
- ROFL: rolling on the floor laughing
- IMO: in my opinion
- IMHO: in my humble opinion
- FWIF: for what it?s worth
- BTW: by the way
- FAQ: frequently asked questions
- BRB: be right back
- OTOH: on the other hand
- RSN: real soon now
- CUL8R: see you later
- B4: before
- FYI: for your information

By: Stephen

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