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Search Engines To Target

Computing : Search Engine Optimisation

The first thing you need to decide is which search engines to try and target.

Of course, the general rule is true: if you optimise to perform better for one search engine, then in general you should help raise your ranking across all search engines.

Why is this?

Well, all search engines use algorithms to rank sites. These algorithms simply apply a series of rules in a complicated manner to rank sites.

The basics are similar, whilst they do vary. Therefore if you do something that will rank you highly with an algorithm on one site, it is likely that another search engine will have a similar algorithm that will lift your site up in the same direction.

All of that said, at the moment most traffic comes to the majority of sites from Google, and indeed this is because most users perform their searches with Google these days.

Whilst this is still the case, it therefore makes sense to try and improve your traffic from Google.

By: Seo Master

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