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Weight Loss: Mental Strategy

Health And Fitness : Weight Loss

Losing weight is a physical and mental process.

Sometimes the mental is more important than the physical, strangely enough.

You need to be mentally determined to lose weight and more importantly, to keep that weight off.

Therefore try to remove at all times any thoughts of sell doubt or I can't do this type thinking.

Stay positive and think like you are a winner. Try to imagine the new thinner and healthier you and use that image as a powerful reminder that you need to meet your target and a driver to get there.

Perseverance is the key.

The winner sets themselves small targets to meet, rather than one long target that is a long way off. Therefore try to get through each day rather than each month at first, as you adjust to your new program.

Over time, you will become that winner and that thinner you through positivity determination and thinking like a winner!

By: Stephanie

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