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How To Write Effective Lists


If you are a list maker, then you can know it is more fun to write the list than actually do the things on the list. It is certainly easier!

So what can you do with your lists to make it more likely you will achieve what is on them?

Well, try to cut down your lists to the top five things that you need to do at one time. Don't microlist in other words - for instance if you need to lock the back door, it might be a bit OTT to write that down on your list.

With that done, now try to plan over time. Have a list for each day, but also a list for weekly tasks, monthly tasks and ongoing tasks.

If you put a task for a month on a daily list then not only are you very unlikely to achieve it, you will also perhaps forget to do it at all.

As you go through the items on the list during the day, be sure to cross out those ones that you have achieved.

Good luck!

By: Stephanie

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