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Found My Hamster

I just found my lost hamster after 5 days of being missing. She was living under the refrigerator. She seems weak and dehydrated. I was wondering how much water should I allow her to drink and should she be allowed to eat food. She did eat some food I left out in the kitchen two days ago but has had no water. She is only 4 weeks old. I'd appreciate any advice. Thankyou

Question From: Christie Olson - Apr 17th 2006


Your hamster's probably fine by now, but give it as much water and food as it wants. I've found that they also like pedialyte or gatorade, diluted with water. They're desert animals, and they recover fast.

By the way, the reason that they're often found under the refrigerator is that there's water down there, in the condensate pan. It's a by-product of the refrigerator.

We caught our hamster in the bucket trap twice this week - and I'm buying a new cage tonight.


Reply From: Shlaes - Apr 21st 2006

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