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How to grow eyebrows

I have a problem with my eyebrows where they are supposed to come together on either side of my nose line. Instead of a unibrow, my eybrows don't grow enough between my eyes. I was wondering if you had a tip for getting them to grow in thickly enough to extend to where they are supposed to be.


Question From: Renee - May 3rd 2004


Take a razor shave over the spot you want hair to grow then give it a week if nothing happens then repeat and wait 2 weeks.

Reply From: Rebecca - Jul 15th 2004

Wow...dont shave, that would be bad, try a lil eyebrow shadow or an eyebrow pencil close to your eyebrow color. Fill in where you want hair to be..but dont press to hard or itll look fake. With a pencil do lil short strokes try to make it look like real hair and do the same to the rest of your eyebrow so it blends together.

Reply From: Erica - May 15th 2005

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