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How to keep hair thick

how do you keep your hair thick, and how will you notice if it's getting thinner?

Question From: kerri - Feb 21st 2004


Welllll.... if you brush your hair until its tangle free, then comb it with an nit comb, if theres loads of hair on both the brush and the comb, then, well, duh, your hair is getting thinner, but don't worry too much, britney spears is practically bald!! she uses products to make it look thicker, just go to boots or a doctor, and find out whats best. but its best to go to a doctor if you're under 16, that way you get it free!(if he gives you a prescription.)

Also, when you dry your hair, dry it in layers, pin the top half up, and make sure it stays there, dry the bottom half, then let some hair down, but when you dry the yop half, pull your comb through, but make sure the comb is higher than your ears (not the size, the position)then, when you dry it, it should look thicker. Good luck! XxXxXxX.

Reply From: Pretty Girl - Nov 9th 2004

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