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How to make hair grow fast

How can I make my hair to grow fast, and how can I make my hair good for weaving or braiding without any artificial attachment ? I have suffered a lot from hair breakage as an african woman how can i stop this?

Question From: Omowunmi Elizabeth Akinola - Jun 14th 2004


To get healthy hair it is important to steer clear of any type of heat whether it be excessive drying, the sun or curling irons. In fact, I rarely use curling irons- I either use rollers at night, wrap it, or I curl set it and use an ionic dryer. Ionic dryers infuse moisture while getting the hair really straight and cut down drying time at least 30%. Also make sure to keep the scalp healthy by using oil moisturizers- I don't do grease it clogs the pores- and keep the scalp massaged. God Bless and I hope the advice helps! CM- Bowie State University.

Reply From: CM - Aug 13th 2004

To get thicker, fuller, and more bouncy hair start by shampooing the hair every other day! That means shampooing it at least three time a week! The cleaner the scalp is the more faster the hair will grow. In addition to shampooing three times a week, condition as often as you shampoo using the same brand as the sampoo. NEVER EVER MIX shampoo with other conditioner. Conditioners & shampoos are designed to be used together. Also at least twice a month give yourself a HOT OIL treatment using (5 to 10) drops of: Peppermint, Lavendar & Rosemary essential oils. These oils when heated in either Almond oil, or JoJoba oil. Both oils stimulates the root, and encourages RAPID hair growth..

Reply From: Kia - Nov 26th 2004

I have no idea how to get thicker hair but to make your hair grow faster, wash it often, use conditioners after shampoo and massage your roots at least 3 times a week, that helps stimulate hair growth. Also I have heard that horse shampoo helps you get healthy hair, but unfortunately I have no proof since no pet store around me sells them.

Reply From: Di - Jul 17th 2005

Use garlic shampoo and conditioner

Reply From: Equality - Aug 16th 2006

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