How to remove fake tan
I have used fake tan and it looks terrible i need to remove it, i have tried bleach, surgical spirit, nail polish remover, vinegar and lemon juice any other ideas? Help!
Question From: Kimberley G - Aug 18th 2004
Use Jolen Creme bleach. It's meant to be used to lighten facial hair, but it removes fake tan perfectly..
Reply From: Eileen - Sep 18th 2004
I used flash spray with bleach and left it on for 10 mins and then scrubbed. Maybe not so good for sensitive skin, but it does the job.
Reply From: Claire - Oct 25th 2004
If you get 1/4 a cup of lemon juice and 1/2 a cup of sugar and mix them together then put them on the bits you want 2 remove it should come off but leave it on for about 5 mins as it needs to dry a bit (it can be very sticky so don't wear your favourite clothes!)
Reply From: Harriet - Jun 10th 2006
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